Everyday i wake and i ask my self “who is going to fell the space in my heart,mind & life time”
i start my morning just like anyone who deserve anything in this world
but my always hope is to wake up just like someone deserve something in this apartment
i go to wash my face .. i close my eyes in front of the water .. i feel like it is going to hurt my eyes
but what i forgot the water is the source of this life
i close my eyes to not to meet the life nerve … my eyes lead me to not appreciate the priceless treasure
i try to open them slowly .. cause i want to know how does it feel when the water touch my eyes and get in to it ..
but i got hurt .. even from the water that make anything & everything on this planet
i start shaving my beard slowly .. and with every time i pass the blade on my soft face i remove the hair which grown because of neglect & passage of time … i was ugly with my beard yes i know .. but i need time to do it .. but when i done it … i change the careless feeling about my self and about people around me
i dry my face with tissue .. for someone else … so i got fumble .. fumble which is going to remain a while
until it’s gone
i switch my Laptop & Tv together .. cause i need to feel there is a life around me .. i need to hear people voices around me .. and i know it is just like the choas … but i need it … i need it to feel i am not alone .. i know i am lieing to my self .. but it gives me what i used to hear before
i look at my laptop .. and fall between the WWW trap .. and the time is running
but i give no care .. cause it gives me everything i want to view instead i don’t have anything else to do but the WWW ..
i make my life in 2 places .. the real life that i live .. the WWW life that i am addicted to
then it become the night .. and i keep awake .. just to fell my passion of spending my time far away of the real life ..
but when i turn off my laptop & Tv … i go to the truth moment .. and the real life
i go to sleep .. and i wish that i will spend in the other world soul long time enough .. to meet the people that i am missing
yes … i sleep to meet souls in the other world …
and finally i wake up .. i start looking about the meaning of my dreams
i really forgot where i am living in .. in the WWW world .. or in the souls world
but what i know .. that even my mirror lied to me when it shows me that i am alive ..
i can only know that i am alive .. by the mirrors
and this mirrors show me that i am still there .. in the world that i completely ignored
i thought that i am going to be someone who deserve care and attention
but even myself doesn’t give a hand with that ….
i start stare at my self .. just like someone who has never seen a mirror before
and i start asking the mirror reflection
what is the reason .. why you still there .. why don’t you go .. just like anyone pass through my life
but my reflection was always trying to tell me .. i am who you are .. and you are who i am
i tried always ignore that reflection .. until i learned the lesson .. that I need to find my self in and out of the mirrors
i learned that:-
The water wasn’t hurting me .. it was trying to wake my eyes up
The bread wasn’t getting me ugly .. it was telling me about the time and how easy it goes
The tissue wasn’t the reason of fumble .. it was warning me .. to not to depend on people cause they will betray .. and let me regrade from that use & suffer of that for a while
The Tv & laptops were giving me everything i want .. but they weren’t giving me myself & my age
i spend a life time on them .. but they unable to give me a moment backward .. they lose me personality as a person who has body,feelings,activities,brain & real life
their chaos voices changed me to deaf
their dishonest Screens changed me to blind
The WWW gave me everything that’s right .. but it doesn’t give me things that i can touch by my own hands … it always feel me that i am lost between it’s pages,sites,videos,music,entertainment
it took my brain,fingers,eyes,ears & life time .. i fall as a slave between it’s webs & the WWW world
The sleeping gave me the rest & send my soul to the world souls .. but it doesn’t show me how to realizable my dreams .. how to feel .. how to taste .. how to enjoy the moment that i lived once upon time in any dream of mine
my subconscious and soul take control of my actions in dreams
i hurt people in my dreams .. and i do many things that i don’t want to cause to the other people souls
but i have no control on even on my dreams …
so to take control of my behavior … i have to sleep for less time .. to not give the space for my imagination to go so far .. to a place .. that i am not able to reach in my daily,monthly & yearly life
i need to freeze that ability … of going so far in my dreams .. i need to put my soul in place which i want it to be .. i want my soul in side my body and under my control … i have to stop dreaming .. i need to wake up … so i will sleep as less as i can
I gives life time for nothing but being out of my real world .. cause the truth always hurt ..
i am in a world .. which self-interest dominated the public interest
no one take care of the others .. just like a broken glass cup … you can’t fix it .. you can’t drink with it
but if you step on one of its small piece it is enough to get you bleed ..
but if you tell the people there is broken glass on the floor .. they will not get hurt ..
but if you clean the room from that .. you’re going to hide the truth of that broken glass
so .. i am here to tell you people .. there is a life .. and i am not going to hide it ..
i am what i am .. i am still exist .. i have mind,body,heart & soul
i have to tell that for everyone .. please people wake up .. the time is running out from you
i need you to wake up with me .. to make a new beautiful place .. where we can live together
and take care of each other .. without hurts & envy … lets say we don’t need it between us
we are all souls .. and one day our souls will go far a way of our bodies ..
what are you waiting for … use your fingers,legs,eyes & ears
how does it feel if you look at a person you love and say.. “i love you” “i take care of you”
stop hiding your emotion .. give the way to your ideas & thoughts .. respect the people around you
finally you will find your self out of this coma
one day you’ll read my note .. and you will regrade the time that you lost
one day ..you’ll regrade the Knowledge of my value
cause i tried to wake you up from your “Coma”
“w(A)ke (M)e up fr(O)m The (C)oma”
A + M + O + C = A M O C “lets mix around the letters”
= C O M A
I hope you believe that i really love you
so let my pure love & care to pass through your heart with these couple of words ..
human beings who are almos(T) unique in h(A)ving the ability to lea(R)n from the exper(I)ence of others are also remar(K)able for their apparent disinclination to do so.